Legal basis: Art. 56 sec. 1 point 2 of the Act on Public Offering - current and periodic information.
Subject: Appointment to the Supervisory Board of VRG S.A. member of the Supervisory Board by co-option
The Management Board of VRG SA with its registered office in Kraków ("Company") informs that the Supervisory Board of the Company on January 19, 2021 adopted a resolution on supplementing the composition of the Supervisory Board by co-option provided for in paragraph 22 sec. 3 of the Company's Articles of Association. The Supervisory Board appointed Mr. Mateusz Karol Kolański to the Supervisory Board of the current joint term of office.
Information on the curriculum vitae, education and qualifications as well as the content of declarations made by Mr. Mateusz Kolański.
2008.10. - 2013.06. - University of Wrocław, Law
2014.01. - 2014.11. - Warsaw School of Economics, Marketing and Marketing Strategies
2015.10. - 2016.05. - Warsaw School of Economics, Academy of Companies
2014.01. - 2016.12. - Attorney's apprenticeship, District Bar Council in Warsaw. Obtaining professional qualifications of an attorney.
2007.06. - 2007.09. - Jutrzenka S.A., sales representative
2008.06. - 2008.10. - Jutrzenka S.A. marketing
2009.01. - 2009.06. - Impel S.A., legal assistance
2010.06. - 2010.08. - Dewey & LeBoeuf Grzesiak s.k., paralegal
2011.06. - 2011.10. - Colian SA legal assistance
2014.02. - 2016.12. - Leszek Zgutka Law Office, trainee attorney
2015.01. - until today - iPrawnicy Sp. z o.o. - Member of the Board
2016.02. - until today - Colian sp.z o.o. - lawyer
Moreover, in accordance with the content of the declarations made by Mr. Mateusz Kolański, there are no premises preventing him from serving as a member of the Supervisory Board of the Company, in particular those indicated in Art. 18 and art. 387 of the Commercial Companies Code, he does not conduct and does not intend to conduct any activity competitive to the Company, he is not entered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors kept pursuant to the Act on the National Court Register.
In addition, Mr. Mateusz Kolański made a declaration of compliance with the criteria of independence from the Company within the meaning of Annex II to the Recommendations of the European Commission of February 15, 2005 on the role of non-executive or supervisory directors of listed companies and on the committees of the (supervisory) board, taking into account the Best Practices of Companies Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.