Current report No. 4/2019

Legal basis: Art. 56 sect. 1 pt 2 of Ustawa o ofercie (the Act on an offer) - current and periodic information

Subject: Dates of publication of periodic reports in 2019

VRG S.A. joint stock company with its registered office in Cracow ("the Issuer"), pursuant to § 80 sect. 1 of Rozporządzenie Ministra Finansów z dnia 29 marca 2018r. w sprawie informacji bieżących i okresowych przekazywanych przez emitentów papierów wartościowych oraz warunków uznawania za równoważne informacji wymaganych przepisami prawa państwa niebędącego państwem członkowskim (the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March, 2018 on current and periodic information provided by issuers of securities and conditions for recognizing as equivalent information required by the law of a non-member state, "the Regulation"), publishes the following dates for submitting periodic reports in 2019:

Consolidated quarterly reports:
- consolidated quarterly report for the first quarter of 2019 – 21 May, 2019
- consolidated quarterly report for the third quarter of 2019 – 13 November, 2019

Consolidated semi-annual report for the first half of 2019 - 28 August, 2019.

Annual reports for 2018:
- separate annual report for 2018 – 19 March, 2019
- consolidated annual report for 2018 - 19 March, 2019.

The Issuer as the parent company, pursuant to § 62 sect. 1 of the Regulation informs that in 2019  a separate quarterly report will not be published, therefore the consolidated quarterly report of the Issuer will contain quarterly financial information.

The Issuer as the parent company, pursuant to § 62 sect. 3 of the Regulation informs that in 2019  a separate half-year report will not be published, therefore the consolidated half-year report of the Issuer will contain half-year condensed financial statements together with the report of an audit company on the review of this report, and a condensed additional information.

At the same time the Issuer informs that according to § 79 sect. 2 of the Regulation in 2019 the quarterly report and the consolidated quarterly report for the fourth quarter of 2018 and for the second quarter of 2019 will not be published.