Legal basis: Art. 56 sect. 1 pt 2 of Ustawa o ofercie (the Act on an offer) - current and periodic information
Subject: Summary of the issue of Issuer's O series shares issued as part of the public offering in connection with the merger of the Issuer with the Bytom S.A. joint stock company
VRG S.A. with its registered office in Cracow ("the Issuer") on the basis of the provision of § 16 sect. 1 of Rozporządzenie Ministra Finansów z dnia 29 marca 2018 r. w sprawie informacji bieżących i okresowych przekazywanych przez emitentów papierów wartościowych oraz warunków uznawania za równoważne informacji wymaganych przepisami prawa państwa niebędącego państwem członkowskim (the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March, 2018 regarding current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and conditions for recognizing information required by the law of a non-member state as equivalent, "the Regulation"), below provides details of the issue of ordinary bearer shares O series ("merger shares") issued as part of the public offering in connection with the merger of the Issuer with the Bytom S.A. company with its registered office in Cracow, and introduced to trading on the main market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange S.A. on 28 December, 2018:
1) The start and end date of subscription or sale: not applicable, series O shares were issued to the shareholders of the Bytom S.A. company according to the share ownership on the reference day, i.e. 18 December, 2018.
2) Date of the allotment of securities: 28 December, 2018, the allocation of series O shares was made via KDPW S.A. as a result of the allocation of the Issuer's merger shares carried out in accordance with § 217 of Detailed Rules of Operation of Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych (KDPW) , through the exchange of shares of the Bytom S.A. for the Issuer's merger shares according to the exchange ratio specified in the merger plan, i.e. for one share of Bytom S.A. 0.72 shares of the Issuer were granted, and in connection with the merger of these companies carried out pursuant to art. 492 § 1 pt 1 of Kodeks spółek handlowych (the Code of Commercial Companies) by taking over the company Bytom S.A. by the Issuer.
3) Number of securities covered by subscription or sale: 53,2660,876 series O shares with a nominal value of PLN 0.20.
4) Reduction rates in individual tranches in the event that in at least one tranche the number of allocated securities was lower than the number of securities for which subscriptions were submitted: due to the type of subscription and allocation, no reduction occurred.
5) Number of securities for which subscription or sale subscriptions were made, understood as the number of registered O series shares as a result of registration of the Issuer's merger with Bytom SA: 53,2660,876 series O shares, merger shares did not require subscription and payment.
6) Number of offered securities: 53,2660,876 series O shares with a nominal value of PLN 0.20.
7) Price at which the securities were subscribed for (acquired): it was not established due to the lack of the requirement to set the issue price for the issue of shares as part of the merger, the offer related to merger shares issued to Bytom SA shareholders, according to the exchange ratio in the connection plan.
8) Number of persons who subscribed for securities covered by subscription or sale in individual tranches: not applicable.
9) Number of persons to whom securities covered by subscription or sale were allotted in individual tranches: O series shares were allotted by KDPW to all shareholders of Bytom S.A. who, at the reference date, i.e. December 18, 2018, held shares of this company in proportion 1: 0.72, i.e. for one share of Bytom S.A. 0.72 shares of the Issuer were granted.
10) The names (companies) of underwriters who took securities in the performance of underwriting agreements, specifying the number of securities they took with the actual price of the security unit, which is the issue or sale price after deduction of the remuneration for taking up the security unit, in performance of the underwriting agreement, acquired by the underwriter: not applicable.
11) Value of the subscription or sale carried out as a product of the number of securities included in the offer and their nominal value: PLN 10,652,175.20.
12) The amount of total costs that have been included in the costs of issue and the average cost of subscription or sale per unit of a security covered by subscription or sale:
The Issuer shall make public the current report with information on the final costs of the issue of series O shares in accordance with the provisions referred to in § 16 sect. 1 item 12 and item 13 of the Regulation after receiving and accepting all invoices from external entities participating in the preparation and carrying out of the issue of O series shares and in their introduction to exchange trading.